When is too soon to communicate about change?

Are you dealing with change in your organization?

Tough times require more communication. When change is happening, don’t wait until you have “The Answers” to talk with people.

When many leaders face challenges with change, they tend to communicate less because answers aren’t clear. Their natural reaction is to wait until they have something concrete and definite to talk about.

This is a mistake.

In the absence of a constant stream of clear and relevant communication, people make up stories based on Saboteur-based fears. As employees share these with each other, rumors spread. It is much more effective to increase the frequency of communication when times are tough, even when you don’t have anything new to offer.

Instead, get up on your platform and enlighten people with what you can tell them!

If you have information to share about a change, great! Share that regularly. Keep repeating the benefits, vision, and action steps toward that change.

If you don’t feel like you have clear, certain information to provide, here are some things you can talk about with employees:

  • Confirm that work goes on to get decisions made and finalized. If there is progress, but decisions still are not final, let people know that.
  • Restate what you do know. Even if it’s old news to you, and old news to your employees, laying this out again will confirm that there are no changes. This helps dispel speculation.
  • If the challenges you face will have an impact on people, don’t be afraid to acknowledge this. Leaders get in trouble and lose credibility when they “sugarcoat” tough situations. Don’t dwell on the negatives, but do explicitly acknowledge where changes may be difficult.
  • Express sincere appreciation for people who continue to get work done in an atmosphere of uncertainty. Carrying on with excellence in the midst of change is a sign of maturity and professionalism. As leaders, we can recognize and appreciate this in the people we lead.

Change can be difficult, but leaders can ease some of the hardship by communicating more frequently and openly. Share what you know, and you can keep your employees with you.

As always, let me know what you think or schedule some time to chat if this article sparks ideas for you.

Looking clearly for change,

P.S. - When you need to help leaders or employees handle change, without wasting time on training techniques that don’t work, contact me. I can help.

Steve Semler

Leadership matters! I help leaders develop the skills and capabilities they need to be successful in all four areas of technical leadership. As a business coach I stop businesses from failing. I use an AI-enabled simulation process to help business owners find revenue and profit opportunities "hideen" in their financials and track their numbers. This newsletter has short, easy tips and stories for anyone interested in leadership. Enjoy!

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