Use the Navigate power to reduce stress

Is stress slowing you down? Harming your health and peace of mind? Here is a technique that you may find helpful.

This comes from the Positive Intelligence® library. (I have another class starting the week after Labor Day. Contact me or click here to get more info.)

To start, think about the many past events and circumstances throughout your life that have caused you stress and worry. At the moment that you're feeling the stress, those events or circumstances feel important!

Your mind tells you that you have good reason to be stressed, but that is the lie of your Saboteurs.

How do we know?

Think about what percentage of things that you have stressed and worried about over the years proved worthy of that stress in the long run. Compare that to the percentage of your worries and stresses that turned out to be ultimately unimportant; not worthy of your suffering in the moment and losing your peace of mind.

Over the years when we ask that question, a common answer is somewhere between 90 to 99% of the past worries proved to be unimportant and unworthy.

What's your percentage number? What percentage of your worries and stresses have been just a waste of your mental and emotional energy?

For today, let's use your Sage's Navigate power to counter the constant lie of your Saboteurs who tell you that the situation or circumstance you're facing justifies feeling stressed and worried.

Ask yourself the Navigate question: “At the end of my life, looking back at this situation, would this matter? Would this make a lasting difference in anything? Would this feel worthy of concern and stress?”

Notice that, based on your past experience, the true answer to that question would probably be a big “No” about 90% to 99% of the time.

So try that today. Every time something stresses you, ask yourself, "At the end of my life, looking back at this situation, would this matter? Would this make a lasting difference in anything? Would this feel worthy of concern and stress?"

Hopefully, you'll keep realizing the answer is no. When you hear that answer, then just go ahead and deal with the situation and take any action you need to take. But just don't worry about it.

Action minus the stress.

As a final tip in some situations, instead of asking “At the end of my life looking back,” you might want to ask “At the end of this project,” or “At the end of this job,” or “At the end of this year looking back,” in case you find a shorter time horizon to be more helpful to you.

Try this, and you'll discover that it can significantly reduce your stress.

Check out my PQ page for more information.

See if you can make this fun!

Steve Semler

Leadership matters! I help leaders develop the skills and capabilities they need to be successful in all four areas of technical leadership. As a business coach I stop businesses from failing. I use an AI-enabled simulation process to help business owners find revenue and profit opportunities "hideen" in their financials and track their numbers. This newsletter has short, easy tips and stories for anyone interested in leadership. Enjoy!

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