
Steve Semler

Breaking the Circuit of the Routine

Published 23 days ago • 1 min read

“What do you do that makes you successful in business? What helps you break out of the circuit of the routine and stay innovative and effective?”

Those are some of the questions I’m asking the business leaders I’m interviewing in my Circuit Breakers video podcast series:

I am finding tech leaders who are breaking out of the circuit of routine, day-to-day, business-as-usual to innovate and grow. Then I’m bringing their stories and advice to you.

You can hear how business founders like Micah Linehan of Asylum Technologies use the “big rocks” technique I’ve mentioned before to focus their energy for best effect at certain times of the day. Other leaders have different tips to share with you.

Each of these leaders has an interesting business story to share. They bring useful perspectives and lessons learned from different kinds of businesses across the tech sector.

Take a look! If you are a business leader in the tech sector, let me know if you would like to be interviewed for the Circuit Breaker series. Or if you know someone I should interview, please contact me. I would love to set up an interview session!

Looking forward to breaking some circuits,

Steve Semler

Leadership matters! I help tech leaders develop the skills and capabilities they need to attract, engage, and align great employees. My goal is to give successful companies the tools and mindsets they need to grow the next generation, the next level of leaders throughout the organization, and not just at the C-suite level.

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